The Alcohol Experiment

A FREE 30-day, Alcohol-Free Challenge to Interrupt Your Habits and Help You Take Control.
Establish Positive Patterns, Restore Health, & Enjoy Life without the Control, Limits, and Pain of Alcohol.
There’s An Easy Way to Take a Break From Alcohol (effortlessly & without FOMO)…
It’s NOT about grit, willpower, or self-control…
It’s NOT about deprivation, lack, or struggle…
It’s NOT about manipulation, failure, or shame…
So what is the SECRET to effortless, sustainable change?
Knowledge. Emotion. Action.
The Forbidden Fruit Syndrome
Millions of people join 30-day challenges to lose weight, eliminate sugar, or break bad habits. Often, on day 31 they end up eating a lot more sugar, unhealthy foods or snapping right back into old, poor habits. Can you relate? Me too. So WHY do we do that?
It’s called the Forbidden Fruit Syndrome and it comes from feeling like you’ve deprived yourself. We feel that sense of, “Done. Good for me. Now back to it…”
This is where The Alcohol Experiment difference shines like the sun in the dead of night. At This Naked Mind, we understand how human beings actually change their behavior.
It begins with accepting that humans – for better or worse – will do whatever they WANT to do.
Sure – we’re capable of doing things we don’t like through short-term willpower (root-canal anyone?…). Still, it only lasts long enough to accomplish that ONE THING before disappearing back into thin air.
That means for real change to happen, you have to change your desire… and for that change to STICK, emotion must be attached to action.
Three Pillars of Effortless Change
The secret to effortless change is to work through these pillars IN ORDER.
See, the reason “plans to change” don’t work is we naturally decide to start with pillar THREE instead of ONE.
We start with action…
Start exercising…
Stop eating sugar…
Quit drinking…
But here’s the trick – when you start with knowledge and add emotion, the action becomes easier because it’s something you’ve already convinced your brain it wants to do.