The Alcohol Experiment for Organisations
- To raise awareness of the impact and role of alcohol on us as individuals and organisationally
- To improve overall physical well-being and health
- To equip individuals with a good understanding of the impact of alcohol on everything!
- To improve overall quality of life - sleep, energy, fitness, eating habits
- To empower people with the truth about alcohol and myth bust
- To provide tools to deal with socially challenging contexts where peer pressure causes people to make choices they might not want to make.
- To empower individuals to become curious, aware and connected to their feelings as well as helping them find clarity to develop their own turnaround thoughts and beliefs concerning alcohol
- To support people take control of their alcohol consumption - whether that is continuing alcohol free beyond January or moderation
- To improve productivity in the workplace - mental clarity, focus and delivery
- To reduce anxiety, depression and stress related sickness in the workplace
- To reduce sickness and absenteeism
- To provide a tool to bluelight/NHS services that focuses on prevention enabling greater organisational effectiveness
- To prevent individuals becoming addicted to alcohol over time
- To support individuals find better coping mechanisms for stress and other challenging emotional contexts - bereavement, illness, anger, loneliness, boredom, difficult relationships
WHAT – An approach aimed at educating, raising awareness, bringing clarity and opportunity to turnaround our thoughts, beliefs and ultimately our behaviours with regard to our use of alcohol. It is aimed at everyone from those who consume alcohol maybe once a week/occasionally to those who consume regularly or binge drink to support with changing longer-term behaviours/preventing unhealthy habits forming.
A Myth buster – The content covers the facts and the truth regarding alcohol so people are more informed to make better choices
A wake up call for some – it helps people take back control by bringing the subconscious thoughts and beliefs driving behaviours into our awareness so we can dismantle the thought processes and beliefs underpinning those choices so we can make different ones